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Matt Binny

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1 in 7 UK adults are affected by tinnitus, a condition where you hear ringing, buzzing, or other noises in your ears. Not only can this be irritating, it can affect many aspects of your daily life such as sleep, concentration, and even your mental health.

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As temperatures fall in the UK, it's the time of year when infections like the common cold and flu to spread more easily. But what you eat can provide a level of protection for you and your loved ones. When your body is fighting an infection, it needs all the help it can get. Of course, rest and hydration both play vital roles in recovery and good health. But food provides the nutrients and energy to help overcome illness and get you back on your feet. So, which food groups are best when you're trying to shake off an infection?

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Mental health issues can affect all areas of your life, including your career. Every job has pressure and stress, but what if it’s more than that? Managing your mental health and work is vital, so you need to be able to recognise any signs of issues.

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Most of us spend several hours looking at digital screens every day, all of which emit varying levels of blue light. There's debate about the damage and effects blue light has on our vision and health, and if blue light filters help. We investigate if they really work.

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Ingrown hairs happen when hair grows into the skin rather than outwards as it should. They often appear as small red bumps that are sometimes itchy. However, if an ingrown hair becomes infected, it can be very painful and may lead to more severe issues if left untreated. So what should you do if you have an infected ingrown hair?

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