HRT - initial consultation
Peer reviewed by Dr Philippa Vincent, MRCGPLast updated by Dr Toni HazellLast updated 22 Jan 2025
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The publicity that has accompanied studies, including the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) and the Million Women Study (MWS), and the results of a 2019 systematic search published in the Lancet, has led to many women being concerned about the potential risks of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).1 2 3
It is therefore very important to explore a woman's fears and understanding of the menopause and her expectations for HRT.
See also the separate Menopause and its management, Hormone replacement therapy (including benefits and risks), HRT - follow-up assessments and HRT - topical vaginal articles.
The following outlines assessment and discussion points in an initial consultation about HRT.
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Patient assessment
Confirm the menopause if possible, as the diagnosis is usually clinical, although blood tests may be needed for those aged below 45.
Discuss the symptoms being experienced - consider whether they are likely to respond to HRT. Establish how much they are affecting the woman's life.
Bleeding - ask whether the woman is still having periods. If not, ask when her last period occurred. The majority of women notice irregularities in their cycle around the menopause: the cycle may lengthen to many months or shorten to 2-3 weeks; a slight increase in the amount of menstrual blood loss is common.
Postmenopausal bleeding is vaginal bleeding occurring after 12 months of amenorrhoea and needs urgent investigation. Enquire about postcoital bleeding. Any abnormal bleeding pattern should be investigated before starting HRT.
The average age of the menopause in the UK is 51 years.
To have a menopause up to five years younger or older than this is within the normal range.
Early menopause relates to those women aged <45 years.
Premature ovarian insufficiency occurs in women aged under 40 years.
Uterus - a progestogen must be added for those women who have not had a hysterectomy, to prevent endometrial cancer. It should be used cyclically if the last period was less than one year ago; if the woman has had more than one year without a period, either naturally or due to amenorrhoea from her contraception, she can start continuous combined HRT.
Explore risk factors for osteoporosis, venous thromboembolism (VTE), breast cancer and coronary heart disease (CHD).
Blood pressure.
Height and weight.
Other examination as indicated by the history (routine vaginal/bimanual examination is not required).
Women who would like HRT but have a contra-indication to it, such as current breast cancer, should be referred for specialist advice.
Health promotion45
There is some evidence that healthy lifestyle behaviours can improve vasomotor symptoms. In addition, weight loss, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy can have a mild-to-moderate effect on these symptoms.
Discuss with women any modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as alcohol, smoking, diabetes and hypertension control.
Take the opportunity for health promotion and offer lifestyle advice:
Smoking and alcohol.
Diet and exercise.
Check that her cervical smear is up to date.
Discuss breast self-examination and breast cancer screening.
HRT and comorbidities6
Offer hormonal, non-hormonal, or non-drug treatment options depending on the patient's choices and the risks, benefits, possible adverse effects, and contra-indications. If there is any uncertainty about appropriate management, seek specialist advice from a healthcare professional with expertise in menopause or refer to the relevant specialist team.
Women with, or at high risk of, breast cancer7
Stop systemic HRT in women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Do not offer HRT routinely to women with menopausal symptoms and a history of breast cancer; as a minimum, their cancer specialist should be consulted, and it would be usual to refer these women to a menopause specialist if they wanted to consider HRT.
Some women with breast cancer can use vaginal oestrogen; consult the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance, which added a section on this in their 2024 update. Consider communication with the woman's consultant and do not use vaginal oestrogen in those taking aromatase inhibitors without such a discussion.
Advise on lifestyle measures, and non-hormonal and non-drug treatment options for symptom relief.
Advise that women taking tamoxifen should not use fluoxetine or paroxetine, as they may inhibit the effect of tamoxifen.
Do not recommend the use of isoflavones, red clover, black cohosh, vitamin E, or magnetic devices to treat menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.
St John's wort may interact with other drugs such as tamoxifen, anticoagulants, and anticonvulsants. In addition, there is uncertainty about the appropriate dose, and possible variation of potency of over-the-counter preparations.
Women with increased risk of VTE
Consider the use of transdermal rather than oral HRT for women at increased risk of VTE, including women with a BMI over 30 kg/m2.
If you are not comfortable prescribing for this cohort, consider referring women at high risk of VTE (eg, strong family history of VTE or a hereditary thrombophilia) to a haematologist for assessment before considering the use of HRT.
Women with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Manage any cardiovascular risk factors before considering the use of HRT.
The presence of cardiovascular risk factors is not a contra-indication to taking HRT as long as they are optimally managed.
Consider the use of transdermal rather than oral HRT for women at increased risk of CVD.
Women with type 2 diabetes
Consider the use of HRT after taking any other comorbidities into account.
HRT is not associated with an adverse effect on blood glucose control.
Women with hypothyroidism
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels should be monitored regularly (for example, 6-12 weeks after starting oral HRT), to ensure that levels remain in the acceptable range, as the dose of levothyroxine (LT4) medication may need to be increased.
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Investigations before starting hormone replacement therapy6 7
Blood tests such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are not routinely required to diagnose perimenopause or menopause in otherwise healthy women (who are not using hormonal contraception) aged over 45 years, with typical menopausal symptoms.
Serum FSH measurements may be considered (provided not taking combined hormonal contraception or HRT) if:
Aged over 45 years with atypical symptoms.
Aged 40-45 years with menopausal symptoms, including a change in menstrual cycle.
Younger than 40 years with a suspected diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency.
Over 50 years of age using progestogen-only contraception, including depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), which has caused amenorrhoea.
For women taking contraception which causes amenorrhoea, they can stop using contraception one year after an FSH test in the menopausal range, if they are at least 50. FSH should not be tested while taking combined hormonal contraception, or for six weeks after stopping, as it will be artificially suppressed.
The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) states that a single elevated serum FSH level (more than 30 IU/L) indicates a degree of ovarian insufficiency, but not necessarily sterility.8
The British Menopause Society (BMS) recommends checking for an elevated FSH level on two blood samples taken 4-6 weeks apart.
Investigations may also be necessary before starting HRT if:
There is sudden change in menstrual pattern, intermenstrual bleeding, postcoital bleeding, or postmenopausal bleeding - refer for endometrial assessment.
There is a high risk of breast cancer; refer to NICE guidance on familial breast cancer and consider whether a genetics opinion is indicated.
The woman has arterial disease or risk factors for arterial disease - consider checking lipid profile.
See the separate Menopause and its management article for more information.
Explain the indications for HRT
For women with premature (age <40 years) or early (<45 years) menopause, current guidelines recommend HRT for women without contra-indications, until the age of 51 years for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms, and bone and cardiovascular protection.7 9 10
Current indications for the use of HRT are:
For the treatment of menopausal symptoms where the risk:benefit ratio is favourable, in fully informed women.
For women with early menopause until the age of natural menopause (around 51 years).
For those women under 60 years who are at risk of an osteoporotic fracture in whom non-oestrogen treatments are unsuitable.
Starting HRT in women over the age of 60 years has not generally been common practice in the UK. It is possible that it may be associated with a slight increase in cardiovascular disease, but data is lacking.
Discuss potential benefits and risks
See the separate article Hormone replacement therapy.
Discuss alternatives to HRT
See the paragraph at the bottom of the separate Menopause and its management article.
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Prescribing hormone replacement therapy6 7
It is important that an individualised approach be undertaken at all stages of diagnosis, investigation and management of menopause.
Micronised progesterone is a natural, 'body-identical' progestogen, devoid of any androgenic as well as glucocorticoid activities but being slightly hypotensive due to anti-mineralocorticoid activity. It may be the optimal progestogen in terms of cardiovascular effects, blood pressure, VTE, probably stroke and even breast cancer but this evidence is only from observational studies.
As transdermal oestrogen is associated with fewer risks than oral HRT, a transdermal route may be preferable for many women. This route is also advantageous for women with diabetes, history of VTE and also those with thyroid disorders. In addition, transdermal HRT is preferable to those women with a history of migraine or gallbladder problems.
Contra-indications and cautions for hormone replacement therapy6
Do not prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with:
Current, past, or suspected breast cancer.
Known or suspected oestrogen-dependent cancer.
Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding.
Untreated endometrial hyperplasia.
Previous idiopathic or current venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism), unless the woman is already on anticoagulant treatment.
Active or recent arterial thromboembolic disease (for example, angina or myocardial infarction).
Active liver disease with abnormal liver function tests.
Thrombophilic disorder.
Prescribe HRT with caution in women with:
Porphyria cutanea tarda.
Diabetes mellitus (increased risk of heart disease).
Factors predisposing to venous thromboembolism.
History of endometrial hyperplasia.
Migraine and migraine-like headaches.
Increased risk of breast cancer.
Which preparation?6 7
The dose, regimen and duration of HRT need to be considered for each individual. The dosage and type of HRT should be tailored to symptoms and possible side-effects. Start with a low-dose oestrogen and consider gradually increasing the dose after three months if vasomotor symptoms persist. If HRT has absolutely no effect, consider whether there may be a diagnosis other than menopause which is causing the symptoms.
Choice of systemic oestrogen
'Natural' oestrogens are found in normal physiology, such as conjugated oestrogen, estradiol, estrone, and estriol, and are generally used in systemic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) preparations.
'Synthetic' oestrogens, such as mestranol or ethinylestradiol, are generally not used, except in women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) in certain circumstances, due to their greater metabolic impact.
Choice of progestogen
The progesterone component of HRT may be natural progesterone or a synthetic progestogen (which binds to the progesterone receptor).
The progestogens most commonly used in combined oral HRT include dydrogesterone, medroxyprogesterone, norethisterone, levonorgestrel, norgestrel, and drospirenone. Women vary in their tolerance to progestogens, and changing the progestogen component of combined HRT may be needed if progestogenic adverse effects occur:
Combined HRT patches only contain norethisterone or levonorgestrel.
Medroxyprogesterone, dydrogesterone, and drospirenone may be better tolerated than norethisterone or levonorgestrel, because they are less androgenic.
Drospirenone also has aldosterone antagonistic activity and is useful for women who have fluid retention during the progestogen phase.
Micronised progesterone or dydrogesterone may be preferred in women with hypertriglyceridaemia due to their neutral effect on lipid profile.
The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) is an alternative route of delivery of progestogen, which provides endometrial protection locally, resulting in low systemic levels of levonorgestrel. It can be used first-line as part of HRT and may be useful in women:
With persistent progestogenic adverse effects with other progestogen preparations and delivery routes.
With troublesome or heavy withdrawal bleeds taking cyclical HRT and normal investigation results.
If contraception is still needed.
Women may use a LNG-IUD with oestrogen for up to five years for endometrial protection, as part of an HRT regimen (licensed for four years but may be used for up to five years off-label). Women using LNG-IUDfor this purpose must have the device changed every five years.
Mirena® is the only IUS licensed in the UK for HRT, however the FSRH have advised that the other two 52mg LNG-IUDs available in the UK (Levosert® and Benilexa®) can also be used as the progestogen component of HRT. This does not apply to the lower dose LNG-IUDs, Jaydess® and Kyleena®.8
Some observational studies have shown that HRT containing micronised progesterone or dydrogesterone may be associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease and thromboembolic events. For more detail on this, see the leaflet on hormone replacement therapy.
Which regimen?6 7
The hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regimen used depends on whether the woman is perimenopausal or postmenopausal, the route of administration, and the woman's wishes.
Combined HRT can be prescribed as a:
Monthly cyclical regime - oestrogen is taken daily and progestogen is given at the end of the cycle for 10-14 days, depending on the type of progestogen. This should be started if the woman is within 12 months of her last period, and changed to a continuous combined regime within five years, or by the age of 54, whichever comes sooner.
Continuous combined regime - oestrogen and progestogen are taken daily.
Bijuve® has been approved as the first oral combined HRT with bioidentical hormones for use in the UK. It is taken as a continuous combined oral tablet: 1 mg estradiol with 100 mg micronised progesterone.
The absence of bleeding whilst taking a cyclical regimen reflects an atrophic endometrium. Exclude pregnancy in perimenopausal women or women with premature ovarian insufficiency. Check adherence with therapy if the progestogen component is taken separately.
Vaginal oestrogen6 7
Low-dose vaginal oestrogen (tablet, cream, pessary, or vaginal ring) may be preferred if symptoms are primarily urogenital.
Vaginal oestrogen therapy regimens depend on the vaginal preparation used:
One vaginal tablet daily for two weeks, then reduced to one vaginal tablet twice weekly.
One applicatorful daily for 3-4 weeks, then reduced to one applicatorful twice weekly, to be applied at bedtime, for cream and gel preparations.
One pessary daily for three weeks, then reduced to one pessary twice weekly, to be inserted at bedtime.
One vaginal ring inserted into the upper third of vagina and worn continuously, to be replaced at three months. Maximum duration of continuous treatment is two years.
Which delivery route?6 7
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is available as oral or transdermal preparations, depending on the woman's preferences.
Oestrogen-only preparations are given to women without a uterus, and combined oestrogen and progestogen preparations are given to women with an intact uterus.
Transdermal preparations may be appropriate if the woman has:
Persistent troublesome symptoms with oral treatment.
Troublesome adverse effects with oral treatment.
A history of, or increased risk of, venous thromboembolism.
Cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity, uncontrolled hypertension, or hypertriglyceridaemia.
Concomitant hepatic enzyme-inducing drug treatment (for example, carbamazepine).
A gastrointestinal disorder that may affect absorption of oral treatment.
A history of migraine or gallbladder disease.
Lactose sensitivity (most HRT oral preparations contain lactose).
Transdermal preparations are available as a gel (oestrogen only), patch (oestrogen only or combined oestrogen and progestogen), or spray (oestrogen only).
If the woman is using combined HRT, the progestogen component may also be given separately as an oral tablet or as the LNG-IUD.
Low-dose vaginal oestrogen is available as a vaginal tablet (Vagifem®), creams (Ovestrin® or Gynest®), gel (Blissel®), pessary (Imvaggis®), and vaginal ring (Estring®), depending on the woman's preferences. A progestogen is not needed for endometrial protection, as systemic absorption of vaginal oestrogen is minimal.
Side-effects of HRT6
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may cause a variety of adverse effects.
Oestrogen-related adverse effects
Side effects include:
Fluid retention.
Breast tenderness or enlargement.
Leg cramps.
Exogenous oestrogens may induce or exacerbate symptoms of hereditary and acquired angio-oedema.
Progestogen-related adverse effects
Side effects include:
Fluid retention.
Breast tenderness.
Headaches or migraine.
Mood swings.
Premenstrual syndrome-like symptoms.
Acne vulgaris.
Lower abdominal pain.
Back pain.
They tend to occur in a cyclical pattern during the progestogen phase of cyclical HRT.
Vaginal bleeding problems 11
Unscheduled vaginal bleeding is a common adverse effect of HRT within the first three months of treatment.
See the separate HRT - follow-up assessments article for a discussion of how to manage these side-effects according to the 2024 BMS guidelines on unscheduled bleeding in HRT.
HRT and contraception6 8
HRT is not a contraceptive and a woman is considered potentially fertile for two years after her last menstrual period if she is aged under 50 years and for one year if she is aged over 50 years.
For many women oestrogen HRT and a LNG-IUD are an optimal combination.
Alternatively, the progestogen-only contraceptive pill, implant or injection can be given to women who are also taking HRT.
Women aged 50 years and over should not be prescribed the combined oral contraceptive pill, and it is usual to also stop the progestogen only injection at 50. See the separate Contraception from 40 to the menopause article.
Tibolone is a selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM) which combines oestrogenic and progestogenic activity with weak androgenic activity. It can be used in women with an intact uterus who have had no bleeding for more than one year, without the need for cyclical progestogen.
A Cochrane review found (much of the evidence was of low or very low quality):12
Moderate-quality evidence suggests that tibolone is more effective than placebo but less effective than HRT in reducing menopausal vasomotor symptoms, and that tibolone is associated with a higher rate of unscheduled bleeding than placebo but with a lower rate than HRT.
Compared with placebo, tibolone increases recurrent breast cancer rates in women with a history of breast cancer, and may increase stroke rates in women over 60 years of age.
No evidence indicates that tibolone increases the risk of other long-term adverse events, or that it differs from HRT with respect to long-term safety. Limitations included high risk of bias and imprecision.
Testosterone 13
Testosterone is not licensed for use in women in the UK. However, it does have a role for those women who have low libido despite receiving HRT. GPs with an interest in the menopause may be happy to initiate and monitor it, whilst others would feel more comfortable referring to a menopause specialist for this.
If a woman has menopausal symptoms, consider arranging referral to a healthcare professional with expertise in menopause if:
There is uncertainty about the most suitable treatment option - for example, if the woman has comorbidities and/or contra-indications to treatment.
The woman has persistent, troublesome adverse effects from treatment.
The woman has persistent altered sexual function and hormonal and/or non-hormonal, or non-drug treatments are ineffective:
Seek specialist advice regarding the use of testosterone supplementation (off-label use).
Consider referral for psychosexual counselling, depending on the woman's wishes.
There is uncertainty about diagnosing premature ovarian insufficiency, or specialist advice is needed to manage the condition.
There is a sudden change in menstrual pattern, intermenstrual bleeding, postcoital bleeding, or postmenopausal bleeding. Arrange an urgent two-week referral if a gynaecological cancer is suspected.14
Arrange to review the woman after three months if HRT has been started or changed, then at least annually thereafter, unless there are clinical indications for an earlier review (such as treatment ineffectiveness or adverse effects). Blood pressure and BMI should be checked annually.
Dr Toni Hazell works for the Royal College of General Practitioners and worked as the eLearning fellow on the RCGP 2022 menopause course, funded by Bayer. She is currently on the board of the Primary Care Women's Health Forum. She has lectured on menopause and HRT for a variety of organisations.
Further reading and references
- Cobin RH, Goodman NF; American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology Position Statement on Menopause - 2017 Update. Endocr Pract. 2017 Jul;23(7):869-880. doi: 10.4158/EP171828.PS.
- Bioidentical HRT; British Menopause Society, 2019 (reviewed 2024)
- HRT - Guide; British Menopause Society (2020)
- Rossouw JE, Anderson GL, Prentice RL, et al; Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results From the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2002 Jul 17;288(3):321-33.
- Beral V; Breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet. 2003 Aug 9;362(9382):419-27.
- Type and timing of HRT and breast cancer risk; The Lancet, August 2019
- Anderson D, Seib C, McGuire A, et al; Decreasing menopausal symptoms in women undertaking a web-based multi-modal lifestyle intervention: The Women's Wellness Program. Maturitas. 2015 May;81(1):69-75. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2015.02.263. Epub 2015 Mar 7.
- BMS & WHC’s 2020 recommendations on hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women; BMS, 2021
- Menopause; NICE CKS, November 2024 (UK access only)
- Menopause: diagnosis and management; NICE Guideline (November 2015 - last updated November 2024)
- Contraception for Women Aged over 40 Years; Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (2017 - amended July 2023)
- Faubion SS, Kuhle CL, Shuster LT, et al; Long-term health consequences of premature or early menopause and considerations for management. Climacteric. 2015;18(4):483-91. doi: 10.3109/13697137.2015.1020484. Epub 2015 Apr 7.
- Premature ovarian insufficiency; BMS March 2024
- Management of unscheduled bleeding on hormone replacement therapy (HRT); BMS, 2024
- Formoso G, Perrone E, Maltoni S, et al; Short-term and long-term effects of tibolone in postmenopausal women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Oct 12;10(10):CD008536. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008536.pub3.
- Testosterone replacement in menopause; BMS, Dec 2022
- Suspected cancer: recognition and referral; NICE guideline (2015 - last updated October 2023)
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22 Jan 2025 | Latest version

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