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Dr Roger Henderson, MBBS
General Practitioner, Medical Author
Dr Roger Henderson qualified as a GP in 1985 and has authored for EMIS since early 2013.
He is a Senior Partner at Linden Hall Surgery Shropshire as well as a GP trainer and University doctor. His lectures focus primarily on modern social media and health.
Roger is also a medic and writer for national newspapers, magazines and online, and appears regularly on television, radio and the internet.
Roger’s web presence
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The digestive system (gastrointestinal tract) is the long tube that starts at the mouth and ends at the back passage (anus).

The pancreas is an organ in the upper tummy (abdomen). Chemicals (enzymes) made by cells in the pancreas pass into the gut to help digest food. The hormones insulin and glucagon are also made in the pancreas and help to regulate the blood sugar level.