Gynaecological cancer
Peer reviewed by Dr Colin Tidy, MRCGPLast updated by Dr Krishna Vakharia, MRCGPLast updated 7 Sept 2022
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In this series:Cancer of the uterusOvarian cancerCervical cancerVulval cancerVulval intraepithelial neoplasiaCervical screening
A number of cancers can arise in the female reproductive organs. This leaflet explains where these organs are and links to information about the individual cancers.
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The female anatomy
Gynaecological cancers are those which arise in the female reproductive organs. So it helps to be able to picture what and where these are.
Female reproductive organs

The womb (uterus) is a pouch with walls made of muscle. It is where babies grow when you are pregnant. The inside lining of the womb is called the endometrium. This lining is shed every month causing the bleeding you experience as a period when you are not pregnant.
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There's nothing funny about being told you have cancer. But for comedian and cancer information officer Karen Hobbs, stand-up comedy helped her to cope with her diagnosis and the bizarre things that happened throughout treatment.
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Cervical cancer
If the cells that make up the cervix multiply abnormally, you develop cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix).
by Dr Hayley Willacy, FRCGP
The lower opening, or neck of the womb, is called the cervix. This is the opening through which the blood travels from the womb to the outside during a period. It stretches wide open during childbirth.
The cervix sits at the top of a muscular tube called the vagina. This is a passage through which the blood passes during a period, and this also stretches during childbirth. During sexual intercourse when a penis is in the vagina, sperm is released from the penis and can enter the cervix into the womb. If there is an egg there, it can lead to a pregnancy.
The ovaries are two oval-shaped organs connected to the upper part of the womb on either side by the Fallopian tubes. Ovaries produce eggs and release them (where they are passed through the Fallopian tubes to the womb) in a monthly process called ovulation. The ovaries also produce the female hormones, oestrogen and progesterone.
The vulva is the part of the female reproductive system which is on the outside. It is the part of the genital area which surrounds the opening of the vagina.
Female Genitals

The vulva includes:
The labia majora. These are, in effect, large folds of skin.
The labia minora. These are more delicate folds of skin just inside the labia majora.
The clitoris - a small organ involved with sexual arousal.
Tiny glands, the most prominent being the Bartholin's glands.
The entrance to the urethra - the tube through which urine is passed from the bladder.
The entrance to the vagina.
What is cancer?
Cancer is a condition where cells of a particular body organ multiply out of control. These abnormal cells can then spread around the body, causing damage and harm. Cancers in different organs are different illnesses, with different symptoms and different treatments. See the separate leaflet called Cancer.
Playlist: Gynae Cancer Q&A
5 videos
What is vaginal cancer?
Prof Lesley Regan, FRCOG
What is vaginal cancer?
Prof. Lesley Regan, FRCOG

Do gynae cancers cause bleeding?
Dr. Sarah Jarvis MBE, FRCGP

What are the symptoms of gynae cancer?
Dr. Sarah Jarvis MBE, FRCGP

Are gynae cancers painful?
Dr. Sarah Jarvis MBE, FRCGP

Can gynae cancers cause infertility?
Dr. Sarah Jarvis MBE, FRCGP
What types of gynaecological cancers are there?
Cancer can arise in any of the female reproductive organs. Click on the links below to read about each individual type of cancer.
Cancer of the vulva. A pre-cancerous skin condition called vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) can, in some cases, turn into cancer of the vulva if not treated.
Cancer of the vagina. This is very rare. It tends to occur in older women.
Cancer of the Fallopian tubes. This is rare. It tends to have similar symptoms to ovarian cancer and is diagnosed and treated in much the same way.
Is there screening for gynaecological cancers?
Currently in the UK there is a national screening programme for cervical cancer, but none of the other gynaecological cancers. This is because cervical cancer, in many cases, can be picked up in the very early stages, before it is even cancer. Typical cell changes are picked up in a smear test. Read about cervical screening (the cervical smear test) for more information. This pre-cancer stage can be treated so that cancer doesn't develop. This is done during a process called colposcopy. Read about colposcopy and cervical treatments.
Further reading and references
- Ovarian cancer - the recognition and initial management of ovarian cancer; NICE Clinical Guideline (April 2011 - last updated October 2023)
- Endometrial cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up; European Society for Medical Oncology (2016)
- Newly diagnosed and relapsed epithelial ovarian carcinoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up; European Society for Medical Oncology (2013 - last updated 2020)
- Ovarian cancer statistics; Cancer Research UK
- Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Vulval Carcinoma; Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (updated May 2022)
- Lai J, Elleray R, Nordin A, et al; Vulval cancer incidence, mortality and survival in England: age-related trends. BJOG. 2014 May;121(6):728-38; discussion 739. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12459. Epub 2013 Oct 22.
Article history
The information on this page is written and peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.
Next review due: 6 Sept 2027
7 Sept 2022 | Latest version
28 Nov 2017 | Originally published
Authored by:
Dr Mary Harding, MRCGP

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