How to use nose drops
Peer reviewed by Dr Hannah Gronow, MBACPLast updated by Dr Mary Harding, MRCGPLast updated 11 Oct 2017
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The following advice is for nose drops only and not for nose sprays which are used differently. Ask your pharmacist if you have any queries.
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Blow your nose gently.
Drop the required number of drops into each nostril.
The aim is to get the liquid to spread over all the inside surface of the nose - including the upper surface.
A good position is to lie on a bed with your head hanging back over the edge. Stay like this for two minutes after putting in the drops before getting up. This is so that the liquid does not immediately run out of your nose or down the back of your throat but stays for a while in the nasal cavity.
Kneeling or bending forwards is an alternative, but it is harder to stay like this for two minutes after putting in the drops.
Replace the top on the bottle after using.
Wash your hands after using the drops.
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Some points about nose drops
Sometimes the nose drops leave an odd taste as they trickle down your throat after you have applied them to your nose. If this happens, have a drink to wash the taste away.
Between doses, keep the bottle closed and store in a cool, dark place (unless otherwise advised).
Do not let anyone else use your drops and do not use anyone else's drops yourself.
Do not use nose drops more often or for longer than advised. Some nose drops must only be used for a short time. Some 'go off' and need replacing after a certain time.
Throw out the bottle (and get a new one if required) after the recommended time. (One tip is to write the date that you opened the bottle on the label so you will know when it is time to throw it out.)
Keep the drops out of children's reach.
The above advice is general advice for most nose drops. You may be given specific instructions which may vary from the above.
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Article history
The information on this page is peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.
11 Oct 2017 | Latest version

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