Why do I have extreme tiredness after eating?
Peer reviewed by Dr Krishna Vakharia, MRCGPAuthored by Victoria RawOriginally published 24 Jan 2025
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Feeling tired after eating a meal is usual - especially if you've over-indulged on something particularly big and delicious. However, in some cases, it may be due to an underlying health condition. We asked a nutritional therapist to explain the potential causes of extreme tiredness after eating - and which key signs may mean you should book some time with your doctor.
In this article:
We’ve all felt that familiar wave of sleepiness after a heavy meal. This is usually a normal response that can often be managed by adjusting what we eat and when. However, in some cases, it could be linked to a medical issue.
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What you eat
Certain foods are more likely to make you feel tired after eating than others.
Helena Barham, Nutritional Therapist and Founder of Nourish&Be, London, UK explains that food or drinks that cause a sharp spike in blood sugar will likely be followed by a blood sugar low. This can lead to an energy slump, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish.
Although different foods affect people in various ways, these foods are typically:
Refined carbohydrates - such as sugary snacks, sweets, cakes, white bread, and pasta.
Turkey, cheese, eggs, and fish - all contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin and melatonin, which may cause sleepiness.
Drinks - such as sugary and alcoholic beverages.
How to adjust your diet to reduce tiredness
Barham says: "Focus your meal around protein and vegetables for a variety of fibre, vitamins and polyphenols. The balance I aim for on my plate is 25% protein, 25% wholegrains or root vegetables, and 50% vegetables with a tablespoon of healthy fats - such as olive oil."
How much you eat
It's not just what you eat, but how much you eat, that can make you feel tired after a meal.
"Eating too much can lead to lethargy - feeling slow and tired - as your body diverts energy to digesting food," says Barham. "But not eating enough can also lead to fatigue, as well as irritation."
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When you eat
Regularity is crucial for the circadian rhythm - your body's 24-hour internal clock.
Barham warns that eating too late can disrupt your circadian rhythm, making it harder for you to fall asleep. This may lead to you experiencing tiredness during the daytime.
"Research shows that skipping breakfast and eating meals at irregular times are both related to increased fatigue," she says. "To promote energy, try sticking to the same feeding schedule - for example, eating breakfast between 8-9am."
Our bodies work hard to digest food and extract all the necessary nutrients we need from it.
Barham explains that the digestive process requires a significant amount of energy.
"We rarely give credit for the incredible things going on inside us after every meal," she says. "So if we overload our system - for example, eat too much - then this can lead to fatigue as our energy is diverted to tackling the meal."
Barham suggests some helpful tips for better food breakdown:
Appreciate your food before you eat - this is the cephalic phase of digestion, when your brain is triggered by the anticipation of food. As a result, your body starts producing stomach acid and proteins that accelerate chemical processes (enzymes) before the food enters your system.
Chew your food to a paste - otherwise your stomach and intestines have to work overtime to break food down.
Don’t drink too much water during or right after a meal - this can dilute stomach acid and enzymes, meaning your stomach has to work harder to produce more.
Allow yourself some quiet time after a meal - your energy is going to be at least partly diverted, there is no avoiding that digestion is energy intensive.
Barham adds: "Don't do anything too stressful or active for 20 minutes after eating so that your body can focus on the task at hand."
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Blood sugar
Your blood sugar rises after eating, which means this too can affect your energy.
"If your blood sugar levels are kept within a healthy zone, then tiredness should not be an issue," says Barham. "But if your blood sugar spikes - for example after a sugary drink, cake or sweet - then your body responds with a blood sugar crash. This can cause tiredness, irritation, even hunger."
According to Barham, some blood sugar conditions can cause extreme fatigue after eating.
These include:
Poorly managed diabetes and reactive hypoglycaemia - can both lead to extreme fatigue.
Insulin resistance (the precursor to diabetes) - can also lead to fatigue as sugar is unable to enter cells and provide energy.
Barham suggests the following ways to help keep your blood sugar stable:
Focus meals on proteins, fibre, vegetables, and healthy fats to slow glucose absorption.
A gentle walk after a meal can help stabilise blood sugar.
Sleep quality
Poor sleep can cause hormonal imbalances - such as higher cortisol levels and reduced insulin sensitivity.
Barham explains that this may affect how the body processes glucose and lead to fatigue after eating.
"Poor sleep can also increase hunger and decrease willpower," she adds. "This makes you more likely to reach for the easy energy sources of refined carbohydrates, which often trigger a blood sugar spike and subsequent crash."
Barham explains that some sleep disorders and health conditions can cause extreme fatigue after eating.
These include anything that affects your sleep, such as:
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
Drug use.
She suggests the following to help improve your sleep hygiene:
Stick to a schedule - the body loves routine.
Sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room.
Steer clear of technology and stressful conversations an hour before bed.
Avoid eating heavy meals before bed.
Try not to consume caffeine past 2pm.
Food allergies and intolerances
Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities to certain foods can contribute to post-meal fatigue.
Barham explains that this is because an immune response is triggered by that particular food or component - such as those containing histamine, gluten, or dairy. This response can divert energy from other bodily functions, contributing to fatigue as the body focuses on managing inflammation and detoxification.
How to identify and manage food intolerances:
Barham says: "To determine if you have an allergy or intolerance to certain foods, either keep a food diary, do an elimination diet with a healthcare practitioner or take a lab test for IgE and IgG antibodies - again, via a health professional.
"Avoid or minimise any trigger foods that have been identified, and support your gut health by limiting processed foods and eating a variety of plants."
Beta-blockers, antidepressants, and antihistamines can all cause tiredness, so be sure to check the side effects included on your medicine label.
Barham advises you to keep a diary of when the tiredness occurs.
"Is it always at the same time of day? Is it often after a meal?" she says. "Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of medicines and never make any changes without getting medical advice."
Underlying health conditions
While we've already discussed some health conditions that can lead to extreme tiredness after eating, there are other conditions that may contribute as well.
Barham says these can be:
Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or heartburn/reflux.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Thyroid conditions.
Adrenal disorders - affect the function of your adrenal glands.
Long-term stress.
Various gut disorders.
If you're worried that a health issue may be causing your tiredness, Barham also suggests you keep an eye out for certain symptoms.
These include:
Joint pain.
Brain fog.
"Speak to your doctor to dig deeper into issues that may otherwise go overlooked," she says.
To effectively manage and reduce post-meal tiredness in your daily life, Barham recommends combining the above tips with a healthy diet, stress reduction, and exercising within your limits.
She concludes by suggesting you consider speaking to a nutritional therapist for a more personalised care plan.
Article history
The information on this page is peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.
Next review due: 24 Jan 2028
24 Jan 2025 | Originally published
Authored by:
Victoria RawPeer reviewed by
Dr Krishna Vakharia, MRCGP

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