Heart attack recovery
Peer reviewed by Dr Colin Tidy, MRCGPLast updated by Dr Hayley Willacy, FRCGP Last updated 20 Nov 2023
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In this series:Heart attackAcute coronary syndromeCardiac enzymes
Following a heart attack, there are things you can do to help yourself to recover and to reduce the risk of further problems, such as another heart attack. Everyone is different and individual circumstances will vary.
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What can I do to help myself after having a heart attack?
Following a heart attack, there are things that you can do to reduce the risk of further heart problems. Everyone's personal circumstances and medical history will be different. You should discuss with a doctor or nurse what is best for you. This leaflet aims to support any advice that you may receive.
Stop smoking
If you smoke, giving up smoking is the single most effective way to reduce your risk of having a further heart attack. The chemicals in cigarette smoke affect the arteries. If you stop smoking, your risk of a further heart attack is roughly halved (compared to the risk if you continue to smoke). Chest pain called angina is also more likely to develop in smokers.
If you find it hard to give up smoking then seek help from your doctor, practice nurse or pharmacist. They can give help and can advise on the use of nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine gum, etc) or other treatments that can help you to stop smoking. See the separate leaflet called Quit Smoking (Smoking Cessation).
Change your diet
Changes in diet can make a big difference. Studies suggest that people who eat a healthy diet may halve their chance of a further heart attack compared to those who do not eat healthily. Good advice is to:
Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day. They are low in calories, high in fibre and are rich in vitamins and minerals. These can be fresh, frozen or dried.
Try to avoid eating foods that are high in saturated fat frequently (every day). This includes meat pies, sausages, butter, cream, hard cheese, cakes, biscuits and foods that contain coconut or palm oil. Eating foods that are high in unsaturated fat can help to reduce your cholesterol level. Foods high in unsaturated fat include oily fish (such as herring, mackerel, sardine, salmon), avocados, nuts and seeds and sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil.
Reduce your salt intake. Many foods contain hidden salt. Lowering your salt intake can reduce your risk of a further heart attack and also of other cardiovascular diseases.
See the separate leaflet called Healthy Eating for more details.
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet is thought to be one of the best ways to reduce the risk of having a heart attack. This type of diet is, in effect, a summary of the advice above. That is - meals with poultry rather than red meat, lots of wholegrain pasta and breads and plenty of fruit, vegetables, olive oil and oil-rich fish, accompanied by a small glass of wine or beer. See the separate leaflet called Mediterranean Diet for more details.
Lower your cholesterol
Cholesterol is involved in the formation of atheroma. Eating a healthy diet (described above) will help to lower cholesterol. In addition, most people who have a heart attack are advised to take a statin medication to lower the cholesterol level.
Statins work by reducing the amount of cholesterol that is made in your liver. In general, the lower the cholesterol level, the better. See the separate leaflet called High Cholesterol for more details.
Some research suggests that drinking a small amount of alcohol may be beneficial for the heart. The exact amount is not clear, but it is a small amount. So, do not exceed the recommended amount of alcohol, as more than the recommended upper limits can be harmful. That is:
Men and women should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week, no more than three units in any one day and have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Pregnant women, and women trying to become pregnant, should not drink alcohol at all.
One unit is in about half a pint of normal-strength beer, or two thirds of a small glass of wine, or one small pub measure of spirits. See the separate leaflet called Alcohol and Sensible Drinking for more details.
Physical activity and exercise
Normal physical activity and regular exercise are advised for most people who have had a heart attack. You should try to be physically active - for example, take the stairs whenever possible, walk to the shops, and wash your car by hand.
Regular exercise is one of the main parts of heart (cardiac) rehabilitation programmes that are popular after having a heart attack. Regular exercise is a major way to reduce the risk of having a further heart attack.
However, before starting regular exercise, discuss it with your doctor. This is because strenuous exercise in certain situations may not be advised. For example, some people with heart valve problems may be advised not to exercise. However, these people are the exception. For most people who have had a heart attack, exercise is beneficial.
After a heart attack it is best to build up your level of activity and exercise gradually. For the first week or so, try simply to go for a short walk each day. Everyone is different and the length of the walk depends on how fit you were to start with. For some people, at first it may simply be a walk to the end of the garden and back; for others, a walk to the end of the road; for others, a bit further.
You can then gradually build up the distance of your walking over time. A reasonable goal by about six weeks after having a heart attack is to aim to walk for 20-30 minutes each day.
However, the amount of exercise that some people can do will be limited because of other medical problems. For example, some people develop angina which may limit the intensity of exercise that can be done. Others have other unrelated medical problems that limit exercise ability, or they are too frail to exercise.
Regarding bursts of strenuous effort. As a rule, normal manual work is fine. However, you should not do anything that makes you need to hold your breath. For example, lifting very heavy objects when you would need to 'grit your teeth' and hold your breath.
In most cases, after about 6-8 weeks, the aim is to build up to at least 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days (at least five days per week). This exercise should make you slightly short of breath. See the separate leaflet called Physical Activity for Health for more details.
If you are overweight then reducing your weight will reduce your risk of a further heart attack. If you find it difficult to lose weight then see your practice nurse for encouragement and advice.
See the separate leaflets called Obesity and Overweight and Weight Loss (Weight Reduction) for more details.
Check your blood pressure regularly
It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. Normal blood pressure is less than 140/90 mm Hg.
If you are being treated for high blood pressure, the usual target is to reduce blood pressure in someone who has had a heart attack to below 130/80 mm Hg. This figure may vary depending on whether you have other conditions - for example, kidney disease.
Lifestyle factors can help to lower blood pressure, such as eating a healthy diet, exercise, losing weight if you are overweight, and not eating much salt. Medication is advised if your blood pressure remains persistently high. See the separate leaflet called High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) for more details.
If you have diabetes then good control of your blood sugar (glucose) level and also your blood pressure will help to reduce the risk of a further heart attack. See the separate leaflets called Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes for more details.
You should have the annual influenza jab and be immunised against the pneumococcal germ (bacterium).
Getting back to normal
After having a heart attack, it is natural to wonder if there are any dos and don'ts. In the past, well-meaning (but bad) advice to 'rest and take it easy from now on' caused some people to become over-anxious about their hearts.
Some people gave up their jobs, hobbies and any activity that caused exertion, for fear of straining the heart. However, quite the opposite is true for most people who recover from a heart attack. Regular exercise and getting back to normal are usually advised.
Can you work after a heart attack?
Following a heart attack, most people can go back to work within 2-3 months. However, each person is different. For example, some people who have a small heart attack and feel well go back sooner.
On the other hand, some people with ongoing symptoms or complications such as chest pain (called angina) or heart failure may take longer to go back or may not be able to go back to work.
Some people have wrong beliefs about work after a heart attack. For example, some people wrongly believe that work-related stress was the cause of their heart attack and they need to take things easy from now on. However, an increase in activity is often preferable after a heart attack rather than taking it easy.
Some people believe that a physical job will be ruled out. Again, this is usually not the case, provided that you feel well in yourself. Indeed, physical jobs are often better for the heart than office jobs. For many people, returning to work is an important part of regaining quality of life.
A possible sensible approach is:
Discuss with your doctor about when you should return to work.
Then, a phased return may be best if your employer is agreeable. For example:
Start with alternate half days and build up to a normal routine over 2-3 weeks.
Start with light or less challenging duties at first.
Include additional rest periods if tiredness is a problem.
Understandably, some people consider early retirement following a heart attack, as the future may be uncertain. However, it is very important that you make such a decision for the right reasons and not based on fear or wrong beliefs about your heart.
Driving and flying
You should not drive for at least four weeks after a heart attack. Then, provided you have made a satisfactory recovery (and your insurance company is notified) you may drive. However, if driving causes angina, you should not drive until the angina is well controlled.
PCV and LGV rules are stricter and further assessment is required. In the UK, it is always sensible to contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to be sure.
You can usually fly as a passenger within two to three weeks of a heart attack, as long as you have no complications. This means that, for example:
You have returned to your usual daily activities.
Your condition is stable.
You don't have any symptoms, or your symptoms are controlled.
It is usually sensible to check with your travel operator, airline and travel insurance company before you fly.
Stress, anxiety and relaxation
It is commonly believed that stress can cause a heart attack. However, medical research has failed to show this and the conclusion is that stress does not cause a heart attack.
However, being stressed and anxious can make you feel generally unwell in yourself.
Some people have unfounded concerns and wrong beliefs about heart attacks, which can cause symptoms of anxiety.
Don't be afraid of talking to your doctor if you have concerns about your health. Alternatively, ring the helpline of the British Heart Foundation for advice (see below). They will give correct up-to-date advice (which may be very different to the old wives' tales that sometimes get passed around).
Many people who become anxious benefit from learning to positively relax. See the separate leaflets called Stress Management and Relaxation Exercises for more details.
Some people worry about resuming sex and it is probably best avoided if you are worried or feeling unwell. If you are able to walk without discomfort then a return to sexual relationships should not cause any problems. If sex causes angina chest pains then tell your doctor.
Some men find that they have problems getting or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) after having a heart attack. These problems can be caused by emotional stress or by medication such as beta-blockers. However, impotence can also have other causes.
Speak with your GP who can check what is causing your problems and advise you on treatment. Various treatments (including medication) are now very effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. See separate leaflet called Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) for more details.
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Heart rehabilitation
You may be advised to attend a heart (cardiac) rehabilitation (often shortened to 'rehab') programme. Not every area has this facility but these courses are becoming more widely available on the NHS. They are staffed by nurses, physiotherapists and other health professionals. They aim to provide advice and help on exercise, diet, stress and getting back to work and normal life following a heart attack.
A member of the cardiac team may visit you in hospital with information and then after you leave hospital, they may visit you at home or call you to check on your progress. You do not need a referral from your cardiologist. If this does not happen automatically then you can also:
Contact your local cardiac team – you can call the British Heart Foundation's Heart Helpline on 0808 802 1234 for help finding your nearest cardiac rehab programme.
Contact your local GP surgery to find out how to register for cardiac rehab.
It is also useful to mix with others who are going through the same experience. Studies have shown that cardiac rehabilitation helps to reduce the risk of a further heart attack and improves general well-being.
Some other general points
Tell your doctor if you get any chest pain following a heart attack. The chest pain may be due to angina. Angina is a pain in the chest that often comes on when you exercise, such as when walking briskly. It is due to narrowing of the coronary arteries. See the separate leaflet called Angina for more details.
Tell your doctor if you get breathless, become more tired than usual, or notice your feet swelling. These symptoms may indicate a degree of heart failure (the heart muscle not pumping as well as normal). This can often be helped with medication. See the separate leaflet called Heart Failure for more details.
Depression is common after a heart attack, often made worse by unfounded concerns. Again, tell your doctor if you think you are depressed. Treatment for depression often works well and can improve your quality of life. See the separate leaflet called Depression for more details.
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Some thoughts to remember
Most people who have a heart attack make a full recovery.
In many cases, only a small part of the heart muscle is damaged.
Most people who have a job should be able to get back to work.
For some people, the biggest cause of disability following a heart attack is not their heart but unfounded worries and anxiety about their heart. Try to learn to positively relax; talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.
Further reading and references
- Assessing fitness to drive: guide for medical professionals; Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
- Cardiac rehabilitation; Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2017)
- Acute coronary syndromes; NICE Guidance (November 2020)
- Yuan G, Shi J, Jia Q, et al; Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Bibliometric Review From 2001 to 2020. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 May 31;8:672913. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2021.672913. eCollection 2021.
- Vilela EM, Ladeiras-Lopes R, Ruivo C, et al; Different outcomes of a cardiac rehabilitation programme in functional parameters among myocardial infarction survivors according to ejection fraction. Neth Heart J. 2019 Jul;27(7-8):347-353. doi: 10.1007/s12471-019-1269-7.
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Article history
The information on this page is written and peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.
Next review due: 18 Nov 2028
20 Nov 2023 | Latest version

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