How to improve your immunity through diet and lifestyle
Peer reviewed by Dr Krishna Vakharia, MRCGPLast updated by Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE, FRCGPLast updated 8 Feb 2024
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A strong immune system will help you ward off all sorts of infections. Here we explain how you can boost your immunity by eating the right foods, by looking after your skin, and by keeping your body active.
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Look after your skin
Your immune system is incredibly sophisticated, and there are hundreds of steps involved in keeping it working at peak capacity. Non-specific immunity is your body's first line of defence. Germs can enter through your nose, mouth or skin.
Your skin is the biggest organ in your body, providing a barrier to germs. Inflamed or damaged skin makes it easier for germs to penetrate into your system, where they can multiply and cause illness. If you have dry skin, using regular moisturisers will replace lost fluid, which helps keep the barrier intact. For more severe inflammation, your doctor may advise steroid creams.
How does diet affect my immune system
Where diet is concerned, variety is key for your immune system. The message from health specialists is that you should 'eat a rainbow'. If possible, you should try to eat 30 different vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds of every possible colour in a week.
That's because each of them contains different proportions of health-giving vitamins, minerals and other micro-nutrients.
The importance of fruit and vegetables
The good news is that if you're already eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, you've made a good start. Eating whole fruit and vegetables is healthier than having them in fruit juice form - the fibre in whole fruit and veg slows absorption into your system, reducing blood sugar spikes.
However, a single portion of fruit juice a day is better than an alternative sugary drink, because it does offer vitamins and minerals not found in sugary drinks. But no matter how much juice you drink, it only counts as a single portion of fruit and veg - and while the sugar it contains may be 'natural', it's still sugar.
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The immune system
This leaflet gives a brief overview of the immune system and how it works. A person with a weak immune system might have difficulty fighting off infections. In autoimmune diseases the body is unable to tell what is its own and what is foreign, so it attacks itself. Autoimmune diseases can attack any part of the body - eg, type 1 diabetes (pancreas), multiple sclerosis (brain and nerves), systemic lupus erythematosus (skin and organs). These diseases are managed by the specialist who knows most about the system affected for that person - eg, multiple sclerosis is managed by a neurologist.
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Which vitamins do I need for a healthy immune system?
Antibodies in your blood can prevent germs from entering. A wide variety of vitamins and minerals - including vitamins A, C, D, and E - are all involved in keeping your immune system primed. And all of these come from different healthy foods. Some of the most important are:
Vitamin A - The main source of vitamin A in your diet is beta carotene. This multifunctional vitamin not only improves immunity, it may even help protect against cancer. Carrots are a fabulous source of vitamin A. But any orange, red or yellow veg, along with broccoli and peas, can top up your levels.
Vitamin C This vitamin helps shore up the barrier provided by your skin, nose and mouth, stopping germs getting in. As if that weren't enough, it also strengthens the ability of your immune system to eat up invading germs. Along with oranges, lemons and limes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach and pepper are high in vitamin C.
Vitamin D - Long known to contribute towards healthy bones and guarding against osteoporosis - thinning of the bones - vitamin D also plays an important part in your immune system. Unlike other vitamins, it's almost impossible to get enough from your diet. Take a 10 microgram supplement daily from October-March - or all year round if you don't get out much into the sun.
Selenium - This immune-boosting mineral is found in sunflower seeds, offal, seafood and Brazil nuts.
Does exercise boost my immune system?
Regular exercise has a host of health benefits and can extend your quantity, as well as your quality, of life. But where your immune system is concerned, there's evidence that taking regular exercise can reduce your risk of infections, such as the common cold, by 43% compared to people who exercise less than once a week1.
What's more, regular exercise reduces your risk of a host of long-term illnesses. Many of these conditions can cause inflammation in the body, increasing your risk of infections and your chance of developing complications from them.
Regardless of your age, getting into a routine of regular exercise can benefit your heart, lungs, joints and general well-being, as well as your immune system.
Once you're over 50, you should be incorporating individual muscle-strengthening exercises as well as 'aerobic' exercise - the kind that gets your heart pumping and makes you mildly out of puff.
Whether it's squats and HIIT training, running, yoga, swimming or dance classes, all forms of exercise carry health benefits.
Many of my older patients worry about damaging their joints, or whether it's safe to exercise if you have a chronic condition - but as you get older, exercise becomes even more important, improving muscle strength and reducing the risk of falls.
It's a question of finding a form of exercise that works for you. Even if you hate the gym, with a little trial and error you can find an exercise you enjoy.
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Further reading
With thanks to 'My Weekly' magazine where this article was originally published.
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Article history
The information on this page is peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.
8 Feb 2024 | Latest version
21 Sept 2022 | Originally published
Authored by:
Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE, FRCGP

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