How to stop feeling bloated all the time
Peer reviewed by Dr Krishna Vakharia, MRCGPLast updated by Victoria RawLast updated 21 Jan 2025
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Whether you've bolted down a meal too fast, or are having hormonal changes, feeling bloated in your tummy is often accompanied by a sense of being tired and run-down. Here we look at what causes bloating and what you can do about it.
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Bloating is often described as a stretched, puffy and uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.
Dr Ayesha Akbar, consultant gastroenterologist, The Princess Grace Hospital, London, UK explains that in some cases, your tummy can feel rock-hard and look swollen in appearance.
"Most people will have bouts of bloating fairly regularly," she says. "There can be a number of factors and triggers that cause this."
Although it's hard to assess the extent of bloating, the condition is certainly commonplace. You might feel bloated after a big weekend of eating - such as over the festive period - and the gassiness will eventually ease by itself. In these cases. There is little to worry about, beyond being temporarily unable to zip up your jeans.
Akbar advises that if your bloating is more than an occasional inconvenience, it may be worth exploring further, as regular or consistent bloating can be debilitating.
She says: "It doesn't just affect your health but can also have an effect on your body confidence and general well-being. If bloating symptoms persist, are continuously affecting daily life, or are accompanied by other symptoms, such as a change in how often you need to go to the toilet, then see a doctor or specialist gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
"They will be able to help pinpoint the cause of your bloating through a variety of tests."
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Dietary factors
If you have persistent bloating, the most likely cause is diet. If you've ruled out the obvious - having eaten too much in one sitting, or eaten too quickly - it's possible you have a food intolerance or allergy and have consumed something that doesn't agree with you.
Although everybody is different, the two food groups most liable to lead to bloating are dairy products and foods containing gluten. In these cases, your bowel might not be emptying properly, or too much wind might be being produced in reaction to the food.
Akbar says that even people who have not been diagnosed as being intolerant to dairy or have an autoimmune condition which causes their body to react to gluten (coeliac disease) can often have sensitivity to these foods, and feel bloated after eating them.
She suggests: "The best thing to do when trying to identify a bloating trigger is to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks, and note down when bloating symptoms arise."
Akbar adds that several other food types can be a bloating trigger - most notably, the kinds that are notorious for causing you to fart. For instance, if you're feeling bloated after Christmas dinner, you might be able to blame the Brussels sprouts along with the overindulgence.
"I always recommend to my patients that they should reduce the amount of foods they are eating which are known to cause too much farting and burping," she advises.
These foods include:
An imbalance in your gut bacteria - which help you digest food - can also lead to bloating. Several trials have shown that some probiotics and prebiotics can help improve bloating.
Another common cause of bloating is constipation, which can lead to a hard feeling in the stomach.
If that's you, make sure to:
Eat a fibre-rich diet.
Drink lots of water.
Take regular exercise.
Bloating can be made worse by lack of sleep, and by stress and dehydration, and is a sign of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It can also come about when you've taken in too much air. In this case, cutting down on chewing gum and fizzy drinks ought to help.
Akbar recommends sitting down to eat, and avoiding talking while eating.
Possible medical reasons
Less commonly, bloating may point to a number of medical conditions.
Aside from food intolerances, these can include:
Coeliac disease - occurs when the intestines react to gluten, causing inflammation
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - a chronic inflammatory disorder of the gut
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - is related to a loss of coordination in the digestive nervous system
Since the symptoms of these conditions can overlap, it's important to speak to a doctor about them - don't self-diagnose.
Very rarely, persistent bloating - sometimes along with a feeling of fullness, and needing to pee more - can be a symptom of ovarian cancer. This disease is most likely to develop in women over 55 but can affect younger women, and is often diagnosed late, due to low awareness of the symptoms.
According to the charity Target Ovarian Cancer, only one third of women would book a doctor's appointment when faced with persistent bloating. However, NHS England recommends seeing your doctor if you've been feeling bloated most days for the past three weeks. If there is something wrong, early detection will make it easier to treat.
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Pinpointing the cause
More often than not, though, the cause will be something much less serious.
As Akbar explains, if a medical professional is looking to identify the root cause of your bloating, they will ask you a few key questions.
"They are likely to ask questions around how often bloating is happening, how long the bloating typically lasts for, and if there are any lifestyle changes, dietary changes or medicine that help to improve the condition," she says. "They may also ask if you are having any unusual symptoms or changes in going to the toilet, which could help to find what's causing your bloating."
Once the cause of your bloating is confirmed, it should be much easier to find ways to ease it. Most of the time it can be redressed through lifestyle changes and it poses no real cause for concern.
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Article history
The information on this page is peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.
Next review due: 21 Jan 2028
21 Jan 2025 | Latest version
26 Jun 2018 | Originally published
Authored by:
Abi Millar

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